Welcome to Healing Thru Nutrition & Functional Nutrition Services

Why work with us?

Health is not merely the absence of disease.  Health is the positive attainment of optimal and functional well being. Health is about feeling your best every single day.

Food provides energy and information to our bodies.  Food affects how we function, how we feel, how we look and how we age.  With targeted and purposeful nutrition, you too can look and feel your best.

So what are you waiting for?  Aren't you ready to feel fabulous? 

What is functional nutrition?

Functional Nutrition

Functional nutrition is an evidenced based personalized approach to healing, wellness and vitality.  Utilizing this approach, we seek to identify and address the root cause of the condition triggering symptoms. Interventions include nutritional and lifestyle modifications. Optimal health is the goal. 

Lifestyle Modifications

Our programs are based upon more than nutritional interventions and counseling. A functional nutrition approach includes exploration of toxic burdens, stress levels, sleep patterns, exercise and movement and  relationships.  Addressing all of these factors provide a more holistic approach to healing the mind, body and spirit.

Detox: is there a need?

In a perfect world, the body should be capable of healing which includes the ability to detoxify. However, on a daily basis, we are bombarded with chemical exposures that find their way into our bodies i.e.consumed, inhaled, ingested or touched. As this toxic burden builds, it can cause a multitude and variety of symptoms. This is because our bodies cannot keep up with the enormity of toxic exposures that have become a fact of life in this day and age. The goal of a detox program is to lower the toxic burden and mitigation of symptoms. 

It's not too late to feel great!

Client testimonials

My stomach is feeling great this week and for the first time I can eat and not worry about getting sick… I feel NORMAL and pain free, which is something I haven’t felt in so long. I have forgotten what it is like to have a normal stomach that doesn’t hurt after you eat or cause reflux/nausea.     

Thank you for changing my life and opening my eyes!  



We work remotely and virtually so appointments can be hassle free - no commuting necessary.  

Contact us to inquire how we may be of service to you.  

We might just be what you've been searching for!


Meet Stacey

Stacey Schott, a functional nutritionist, has a Masters degree in Functional Medicine and Human Nutrition.  She has personally witnessed and experienced the healing potential of utilizing a functional medicine/nutrition approach. Her special interests include detoxification, gut microbiome, gastrointestinal issues, autism and autoimmunity. 

Stacey has completed additional trainings through The Institute for Functional Medicine including Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice, Immune Advanced Practice Module and Advanced Clinical Training for Pediatrics.  She has a recently published case study in a peer reviewed journal on detoxification, liver function and GI issues i.e. reflux disease. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/act.2018.29172.ssc

Besides being passionate about nutrition, she is also a Reiki Master, founder of Grassroots Granookies, former litigator and most importantly, mom to two teenage boys and two Newfoundlands.  

She is committed to helping people heal so they can feel fabulous once again.

Nourish thyself, love thyself, heal thyself!

Contact Us

Appointments & Inquiries

Want to learn more?

We would love to hear from you.  Please send all inquiries or requests to schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation to stacey@healingthrunutrition.com.  Please note there is limited availability for new clients at this time.

Healing thru Nutrition

Greenwich, Connecticut
